Monday, August 22, 2011

oily skin recipes

Oily skin can actually be a blessing in disguise if you can see into the future at how good you will look all smooth ,hydrated mabey wrinkle free depending on other factors too of course.People with a natural oily tendency TEND to have skin that ages better & looks younger when they`re 85.I say tend because there are many variables.
 The following list of DIY recipes for oily skinned types are wonderful for helping to keep your skin looking good ,keeping pimples at bay etc.

   *mix fresh lemon juice into natural yoghurt to form a paste,apply to skin 5-10mins,then rinse thoroughly with warm water & splash with cold.
   *mix clay(good quality usually available at health food shops)with water or even better use cooled green tea water form a paste & paint onto skin.leave for 10 mins then rinse & moisturise.
   *mix almond meal with lemon juice & 1drop of essential oil of lavender.use this on the skin as a gentle deep cleanser-press into skin rather than rub or scrub.
   *moisturise skin really well,the idea is not to dry skin out but to balance & normalise.Avoid moisturisers with mineral oils,parrafins&the heavier oils,butters &balms.


dry skin recipes & cures

Dry skin is a bitch,BUT there are many `cures`or recipes to help it to stop being a bitch & to behave itself.
 try the following:
 *apply egg yolk for 10mins once a week.
 *make a mixture of honey,olive oil & cream & apply to skin as a facepack.
 *use jojoba,apricot or olive oil as your makeup remover/facial cleanser.
 *apply sour cream all over face,neck &decolletage then wipe off gently with makeup remover pads & rinse with warm water.This can actually be used in a similar fashion to regular cream cleansers,but the lactic acid will gently exfoliate the skin without stripping it.
 *massage skin with olive oil & sleep with it on overnight as a rich night oil.
 *apply store bought cream masks & apply before bed & sleep with it on overnight.
 *make a mixture of avocado,honey ,1 egg.,&apply to skin as a creamy face pack.leave on for 20mins then remove with warm milk on cotton pads.
 *experiment with variations of all of the above & then rejoice in your newly fresh,hydrated,non-dry skin!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Get fresh skin & some 'me time' already!

Cleopatra  knew a thing or two about body exfoliation.The bathing in milk is not a tale from the long ago past but an actual present day beauty tip that really works.
 The skin needs to be exfoliated regularly in order to allow moisturisers better & deeper absorption into the skins layers.Most people associate exfoliating with the use of a scub, but a less abrasive,totally relaxing,& in- between-scrub(or body brushing),way to gently remove dead skin cells & soften skin is to run a warm (not too hot)bath,pour full cream milk into it (a half litre is good & inexpensive compared to store bought exfoliating/body products,but use at least 2-3cups full.).
 I also pop a few drops of essential oils in as well & lie back with a good book,some chocolate,wine.....
 Needless to say this ,this is 'self help' at its best-it is soo relaxing,calms frayed nerves,stress & anxiety& gives busy,stressed out souls time out to recharge the batteries,all the while working wonders on your skin.
 Remember to moisturise with something thick & luxurious while skin is still warm after the bath -body butters are excellent -natio & body shop do great ones.