Sunday, December 11, 2011

inspiration for christmas,aromatherapy body massage

hello my pretties,
                         i havnt blogged for some time as i have been busier with my day job.Speaking of day job,if anyone would like a lovely aromatherapy facial or aromatherapy body massage to ease tension,de-stress or rejuvenate over the festive season,i work from my lovely studio at emerald beach a couple of days a week or by appointment-its a great way to rejuvenate tired skin or simply chill out.My contact email is
                        i wish everyone a very happy&peaceful christmas with your loved ones.

            thought i'd share these two poems:

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
 we must carry it with us or we find it not.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

(apparently this is one of Audrey Hepburn's favourites)
"For attractive lips,speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes seek out the good in people.For a slim figure,share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair,let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise,walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.The beauty of a woman with passing years only grows."
   this is an excerpt from a poem by sam levenson.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


For those of you lovelies who love your makeup or those who,like me still have a winter pale complexion & who like to just add colour,there is a fantastic bronzer from NARS cosmetics called multiple bronzer.There are a range of shades to choose from to complement your natural colouring but I am using MALAYSIA.
These bronzers come in stick form with a lovely cream to powder texture as opposed to loose  powder bronzers.Apply to freshly moisturised skin for a luminous & healthy glow & blend with fingers-quick,easy & on trend as a go- to look for spring.NARS bronzers have been a cult favourite for ages, now i know why. This makeup product is amazing& it`s multi-purpose too-can also be used on eyes & lips-genius!
 Enjoy spring makeup, love Fiona 

Monday, August 22, 2011

oily skin recipes

Oily skin can actually be a blessing in disguise if you can see into the future at how good you will look all smooth ,hydrated mabey wrinkle free depending on other factors too of course.People with a natural oily tendency TEND to have skin that ages better & looks younger when they`re 85.I say tend because there are many variables.
 The following list of DIY recipes for oily skinned types are wonderful for helping to keep your skin looking good ,keeping pimples at bay etc.

   *mix fresh lemon juice into natural yoghurt to form a paste,apply to skin 5-10mins,then rinse thoroughly with warm water & splash with cold.
   *mix clay(good quality usually available at health food shops)with water or even better use cooled green tea water form a paste & paint onto skin.leave for 10 mins then rinse & moisturise.
   *mix almond meal with lemon juice & 1drop of essential oil of lavender.use this on the skin as a gentle deep cleanser-press into skin rather than rub or scrub.
   *moisturise skin really well,the idea is not to dry skin out but to balance & normalise.Avoid moisturisers with mineral oils,parrafins&the heavier oils,butters &balms.


dry skin recipes & cures

Dry skin is a bitch,BUT there are many `cures`or recipes to help it to stop being a bitch & to behave itself.
 try the following:
 *apply egg yolk for 10mins once a week.
 *make a mixture of honey,olive oil & cream & apply to skin as a facepack.
 *use jojoba,apricot or olive oil as your makeup remover/facial cleanser.
 *apply sour cream all over face,neck &decolletage then wipe off gently with makeup remover pads & rinse with warm water.This can actually be used in a similar fashion to regular cream cleansers,but the lactic acid will gently exfoliate the skin without stripping it.
 *massage skin with olive oil & sleep with it on overnight as a rich night oil.
 *apply store bought cream masks & apply before bed & sleep with it on overnight.
 *make a mixture of avocado,honey ,1 egg.,&apply to skin as a creamy face pack.leave on for 20mins then remove with warm milk on cotton pads.
 *experiment with variations of all of the above & then rejoice in your newly fresh,hydrated,non-dry skin!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Get fresh skin & some 'me time' already!

Cleopatra  knew a thing or two about body exfoliation.The bathing in milk is not a tale from the long ago past but an actual present day beauty tip that really works.
 The skin needs to be exfoliated regularly in order to allow moisturisers better & deeper absorption into the skins layers.Most people associate exfoliating with the use of a scub, but a less abrasive,totally relaxing,& in- between-scrub(or body brushing),way to gently remove dead skin cells & soften skin is to run a warm (not too hot)bath,pour full cream milk into it (a half litre is good & inexpensive compared to store bought exfoliating/body products,but use at least 2-3cups full.).
 I also pop a few drops of essential oils in as well & lie back with a good book,some chocolate,wine.....
 Needless to say this ,this is 'self help' at its best-it is soo relaxing,calms frayed nerves,stress & anxiety& gives busy,stressed out souls time out to recharge the batteries,all the while working wonders on your skin.
 Remember to moisturise with something thick & luxurious while skin is still warm after the bath -body butters are excellent -natio & body shop do great ones.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I recently tried  an amazing new body moisturiser called ONLY PAPAYA.This is very luxurious,feels beautiful on the skin,& smells intoxicating.(a strong floral fragrance).Even my 12yo daughter is using it all over her dry legs & arms & although it is labeled a body moisturiser ive also used it on my face & it`s lovely.
There is a range of other only papaya products which look & sound good enough to eat!
If anyone else has tried any of these products,let me know what you think.
My email address
 Speaking of AROMATHERAPY,winter is a great time to incorporate using essential oils in your life.
 Use essential oils in the vaporisers at night while heaters & fires are on,kids love the smells too,it adds beauty to your home.
 A beautiful,calming ,feelgood blend is lavender & mandarin.I put it on just before the kids walk in the door after school on the days that im home as well, & then i cook dinner so there`s fragrance from all rooms of the house!I also use lavender E/O in my son`s bath as it is antibacterial,antiseptic,antinflammatory,calming,relaxing&balancing.
I would love your feedback,product recommendations, skin questions etc.
    By Fiona Horsley

Thursday, July 21, 2011

OMG,the august winds are here & skin is dry- QUICK FIX.......

The august winds are here wreaking havoc on skin causing dryness,dehydration & lack of lustre.
  Pure organic shea butter.
  BRAND:organic essence pure organic shea butter.
  USE:hands,lips,whole body,face (sparingly).
  WHY:promotes cell renewal;increases capillary circulation;deeply moisturising & nourishing &rejuvenates
   dry,dehydrated or aging skin;excellent cuticle cream.
   This brand is fairly traded from africa,is certified organic & comes in a biodegradable jar.
   I have tried the pure organic shea butter & use it regularly on face & body-it works!
     I would love to hear your skin stories,feedback,products you like that work etc.
      by Fiona Horsley

Sunday, July 17, 2011

olive oil hair treatment

olive oil massaged through the scalp & then applied to the rest of hair particularly the ends,then left on over night,makes an excellent deep oil treatment for hair.wash hair twice the following morning.your hair will look amazing & healthy.Use an older pillowcase to sleep on,& nomal hair conditioner need only be applied to ends of hair after being washed.Fantastic to do once a week.
 By Fiona Horsley

Saturday, July 16, 2011

beautytalk: luxe body treatment-vichy shower

beautytalk: luxe body treatment-vichy shower: "A great way to treat yourself midwinter is with a luxe body treatment that will totally transform your skin & give you some chill-out time ..."

luxe body treatment-vichy shower

A great way to treat yourself midwinter is with a luxe body treatment that will totally transform  your skin & give you some chill-out time as well.
This is acheived with a full body exfoliation with mineral salts & warm mud applied all over the body then you lie back & relax with infra red sauna,then the vichy shower with its jets of water flowing up & down the body while you are cocooned in warmth with lovely background music.Your skin glows afterwards as this is the best way to exfoliate-having a trained therapist do it for you.The results are amazing,so if you want to try it head in to the retreat day spa @ the promenade coffs harbour,for a winter warmer,vichy shower treatment.
This is a great place for a girls day as there is a spa where all your friends can wait for you to finish then have their turn all the while sipping champaigne in the spa area.This is soo relaxing & rejuvenating&  really fun to do with friends.All the ingredients used are of the highest quality essential oils,australian muds,& australian & himalayan salts.
ps: champaigne isnt provided- you do have to take your own!
            by Fiona Horsley

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

nail polishes by butter london

I have just confirmed my interest in a fabulous nail polish range from london,which I happened to find in the shopping mecca of coffs harbour.I have read about the range in magazines,I saw it on my recent trip to france & its im sure its probably widely available in Australia.The range contains no formadehyde,toluene,or pthalates & has a decent range of colours.Essentil health in coffs harbour carries the range.Its fantastic to know these beauty products are available if your trying to cut down on your use of chemicals,especially  chemicals on the skin& body.

    by Fiona Horsley

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DIY beauty treatment for hands

Our hands take a bit of a beating as they`re always exposed to the elements,water & continual use.
Some people are born with naturally smooth looking skin on their hands, long elegant fingers &  a healthy nail bed. Some like myself were born with very dry hands, crooked fingers & not so elegant nail beds.But thats ok,there are treatments that work really well on everybody`s hands to re-hydrate  & exfoliate,soften cuticles & revive the overall look & texture of the hands.For those who are fortunate enough to have fabulous looking hands,this treatment is still for you as it will help keep them that way & they will stay looking   fabulous into  eternity

                BROWN SUGAR SCRUB

                Mix brown sugar into olive oil & massage/scrub into the hands,fingers & over each individual
                cuticle.Massage over backs of hands really well up to wrists.
                 Rinse off in warm water,place a pair of kitchen gloves on your hands & wash up dishes in really
                 hot water.This helps the olive oil residue to absorb into the skin giving a deep oil treatment.
                 After you remove gloves,moisturise entire hands in a really good quality,heavy duty hand cream
                 or balm.If you are so inclined,at this point you could very gently push back cuticles with
                 an orange stick then  massage your cream into each cuticle.

    I would love any feedback or questions regarding  any aspects of skincare,beauty therapy,aromatherapy,or the beauty industry at large. Thankyou.
                   By Fiona Horsley

Friday, June 24, 2011

DIY beauty treatment

I have tried & tested the following recipe for gentle skin exfoliation.I have seen excellent results with my clients as well as my own skin.This treatment is designed to gently exfoliate old, dead skin cells effectively.It is a diy,at home treatment for ALL skin types that is easy,inexpensive & works.
 You will need:
                         organic natural yogurt
                           fresh lemons
                          besan flour (chickpea flour available indian grocery stores)

Use roughly 1 tablespoon of yogurt,1teaspoon flour & mix with a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon.(give or take on the measurements-just experiment).Apply to entire face,neck & decolletage as a face pack/mask & leave on 5 to 10mins.Rinse off with warm water then splash with cold.This is an ideal skin pick-me-up before a night out or just when you feel your skin needs it,but can also be uesd once a week incorporated into any skincare routine as part of maintaining healthy fresh skin.Age is no barrier I have seen women 60+ get a fabulous result with their skin from this recipe.
 I would love feedback & any results or questions are most welcome.
   by Fiona Horsley

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

beautytalk: Skin care tips for winter

beautytalk: Skin care tips for winter: "I have tried & tested the following to combat what i call winter skin: * Drink a litre or 2 of water each day make it warm to hot water & ..."

Skin care tips for winter

I have tried & tested the following to combat what i call winter skin:
 * Drink a litre or 2 of water each day make it warm to hot water & add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your first glass upon awakening.
 *drink green tea & other herbal blends to your hearts content.
 *take salmon oil or other fish or vegetable oil caps as a daily supplement.
 *massage skin with organic olive oil for dry skin,jojoba or organic virgin coconut for oily skin,then use a moisturiser AS WELL.(Leave out extra moisturiser or drop the oil if you are exceptionally oily or you break out.)
 *Add essential oil of lavender into your daily moisturiser,& or into the oil blend.Use a drop of lavender straight onto the skin for pimples,blackheads or dry patches.
  Enjoy winter skincare,luv f

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Skin care in winter

In the winter months with cold winds,indoor heating,lack of adequate air ventilation etc.the skin can suffer with extreme dryness.This can lead to fine lines,redness, a tight feeling to the skin etc.To combat the problems,try the following:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

beautytalk: beauty tip

beautytalk: beauty tip: "LAUGH - Out loud and often! Then massage oil into your skin for a few minutes using figure 8 movements."

beauty tip

LAUGH - Out loud and often! Then massage oil into your skin for a few minutes using figure 8 movements.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

beautytalk: skin care in winter

beautytalk: skin care in winter: "During winter our skin can become dry & sensitive due to the whether conditions,colder temperatures,etc. The skin may start to feel uncomfo..."

beautytalk: skin care in winter

beautytalk: skin care in winter: "the cleansing & exfoliation of the skin is as important in winter as it is any other time of year. The cleansing step is a very underestima..."

Monday, May 30, 2011

skin care in winter

the cleansing & exfoliation of the skin is as important in winter as it is any other time of year.
The cleansing step is a very underestimated step in skin care.cleansing once or twice a day keeps the skin looking fresh & helps the process of gentle sloughing off of old,dead skin cells.The cleanser needs to be as chemical free as possible,fragrance free &simple.The job of a cleanser is to remove makeup,excess oil or grease,polution,bacteria,to clean the area(the face)just as you would the rest of the body each day & to leave a soft texture & a 'comfortable' feeeling to the face.
Everyone should cleanse their skin,not just those with acne or blackheads or those who wear makeup .After all,we cleanse the rest of our body each day,why not the face also.
Please do not make the mistake of thinking "i dont wear makeup"or "my skin's in good condition so i dont need to cleanse".Even those with great skin still need to assist it to stay that way.If the cleanser contains antioxidants it will also be simultaneously nourishing & fortifying the skin.