Saturday, July 21, 2012


These are tried and tested anti-ageing tips/youth secrets from around the globe,(apparently everyone who's anyone are doing some or all of these so I don't see how its secret but anyway...........     

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

Every morning when you wake up sip water with freshly squeezed lemon juice in it

Remove every trace of makeup before you go to bed at night

Drink pure water and lots of it every day-include green teas and other herbal teas

maintain an ideal weight-being underweight is very aging and being overweight is no good either,for obvious reasons

Keep fit doing forms of excercise you enjoy-move your body in some way every day

Eat healthy foods that are fresh,in season and that agree with your particular body type or metabolism

Take supplements like salmon/fish oils/spirulina or kelp/antioxidants/herbs/high quality mineral and vitamin supplements

keep thick eyebrows!This is not only more youthfull looking it is currently in fashion.It is nice to have a good arch but keep it at that and dont over pluck and  for goodness sake dont get them waxed!Waxing stretches the skin and the skin on the eyes is so delicate and its the last place you want to have stretched if you want to look amazing

Regularly soak in a milk bath-you will have amazingly soft,more youthfull skin

Use a physical block sunscreen every day,such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide

Dont get botox on your lips-it makes you look instantly older!

Wear some makeup.Makeup is different things to different people and when I refer to makeup it dosn't mean wearing a full face of caked on makeup-that is old school anyway.The light weight natural/organic options and multi-tasking options available now,even including things like pawpaw ointment as a highlighter can be used strategically on the face and decolettage and make such a big difference.You can knock 5-10 years off someone just by using a cheek and lip tint or bronzer and gloss,some concealer if you need it(and not many of us don't),grab pawpaw ointment and pat over the eyebrows and tops of the cheekbones and your done.Wearing concealer alone,or mixing a moisturising foundation in with your moisturiser which leaves you with a dewy complexion,can instantly make ANYONE look more youthfull

Do what you love and love what you do-find out what motivates you to get out of bed everyday and do it-that will keep you young

Have a young spirit.Tap into the things you love and get rid of things in life that zap your life-force

We need to be able to overcome negativity such as anger,jelousy,greed,envy,fear, guilt or anything like this that is extreme or at unhealthy levels in our life-people who walk around world weary and angry look like they're 85 even if they're only 20 -not a good look,hardly youthfull

Laugh and smile your way to looking good!smiling and laughing is the number one beauty secret and it just happens to be free!It makes you look good 'cause you it makes you feel good

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